
H! I’m Aaron. I keep things here that I want to remember or that I think you might find useful.

Install RSAT tools in bulk with powershell

How to install all RSAT features on Windows 10 release 1809 & later, and Windows 11 with powershell.


With the release of Windows 10, 1809 yesterday I immediately needed all my RSAT tools back, and clicking on each feature to install it manually is a pain.

Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'RSAT*'|Where {$_.State -eq 'NotPresent'} |foreach {Add-WindowsCapability -online -name $_.Name}


Depending on your organization’s settings, you may run into errors when your computer tries to download from a windows update server and can’t.

See this article for a workaround: Install SSH client as a optional feature on Windows 10 failed